Contract Offer

Contract of public offer for sale of goods of online shop

1. General provisions, terms and definitions.

1.1. LLC «Pinfud Service» UNP (Payer's Account Number) 192677158, hereinafter referred to as «Seller», in the person of the director Doroshenko A.S., acting on the basis of the Statute, publishes the Public Offer for the sale of goods according to the samples presented on the Seller’s Internet site

1.2. This contract determines the manner in which the Seller shall conduct the retail sale of the Goods through the Internet shop in accordance with the Art. 405 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus) and is a public offer of the Seller addressed to an undefined circle of legal persons who are both residents and non-residents of the Republic of Belarus.

1.3. The provisions of Chapter 30 of The Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus (Retail Sales) paragraph 2, as well as the requirements of the Laws of Republic of Belarus «On Trade», «On Consumer Protection», Council of Ministers Regulations, apply to the relations between the Seller and the Buyer (hereinafter referred to parties in the text) «On the approval of the Rules for the Execution of Retail Trade according to Models» and other normative legal acts of the Republic of Belarus regulating the issues of retail buying and selling.

1.4. If the terms of this contract (i.e. a public offer) are accepted, the legal person accepting the offer becomes the Buyer. The payment of the Goods by the Buyer in accordance with the terms of the contract is an acceptance of the offer, which is considered to be equivalent to the conclusion of the Contract under the terms set out in the offer (Art. 408, para.3).

1.5. The seller and the Buyer guarantee that they have the necessary legal capacity and all the rights and powers necessary and sufficient for the conclusion and performance of the Retail Sales Contract.

1.6. On the basis of the above, read the text of the public offer carefully, and if you do not agree with any of the offers, you are invited to refuse to purchase Goods or use Services provided by the Seller.

1.7. In this offer, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms have the following meanings:

«Offer» is a public offer of the Seller addressed to any individual (citizen) to conclude a sales contract with him (hereinafter «the Contract») under the existing conditions contained in the Contract, including all its annexes.

«Buyer» is a legal person who has concluded a contract with the Seller on the terms contained in the Contract.

«Acceptance» - full and unconditional acceptance by the Buyer of the terms of the Contract.

«Site» - a collection of information resources available on the Internet at the address The site belongs to the Seller and is administered by the latter.

«Goods» - list of assortment names presented on the Internet site

«Order» - individual items from the assortment list of the Goods, specified by the Buyer when making an application on the Internet site or by +37544 5 111 666, +37529 5 111 666.

«Courier service» - persons providing services in the interests of the Seller for delivery of goods ordered by the Buyer «Payment» - the fact of receipt of money for ordered goods to the Seller.

2. Subject matter of the treaty

2.1. The seller shall sell the Goods in accordance with the applicable conditions published on the Seller’s Internet site, and the Buyer shall pay and accept the Goods in accordance with the terms of this Contract.

2.2. This Contract is an official document of the Seller and an integral part of the offer. The current version of this contract is available on the Seller's site

2.3. The buyer purchases the goods for its own consumption.

2.4. The ownership of the Goods passes to the Buyer at the time of acceptance of the Goods by the Buyer and payment by the latter of the full value of the Goods accepted. The risk of accidental loss or damage of the Goods passes to the Buyer from the moment of acceptance of the Goods by the Buyer.

2.5 The seller reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of this offer, the prices of the Goods specified in the Internet shop, the conditions for payment and delivery of the Goods, the methods, time and territory of delivery of the Goods, as well as other conditions specified in this offer and on the Site.

3. Placing of orders

3.1. The Buyer’s Order may be made by telephone + 375 (29 /44) 5 111 666 or by filling in the Order Form on the

3.2. When making an Order by telephone or by electronic form on the Site, the Buyer confirms that he is aware of the terms of this offer and undertakes to provide the Seller with all the information necessary for the proper execution and execution of the Order.

3.3. When making an Order by telephone or by electronic form on the Site, the Buyer undertakes to provide the following registration information about himself: name, actual delivery address, contact telephone and other information specified in the registration form on the Site.

3.4. During the order processing through the Site, the Buyer fills in the electronic Order Form and sends the formed Order to the Seller electronically via the Internet.

3.5. The buyer has the right to edit the registration information about himself. The seller does not modify or edit the registration information of the Buyer without the consent of the latter. The seller undertakes not to disclose the data of the Buyer, specified during the Order’s processing on the site and during the Order’s processing by telephone, to persons not involved in the execution of the Order.

3.6. The seller is not responsible for the content and reliability of the information provided by the Buyer in the Order.

3.7. The buyer shall be responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in the Order.

3.8. The information in the Order received by the Seller by means of the Order Form on the Site is agreed with the Buyer by the Contact Phone in case the Order is first made from this phone or if the Order does not contain all the information specified in the Registration Form, and in other cases on the initiative of the Seller.

3.9. The time of taking the Order by telephone is the time the Seller finishes the Order.

3.10. When the Order is made through the Site, if it is not necessary to confirm the Order by the Seller with the Buyer by the contact telephone, the time of acceptance of the Order will be the time of completion of the Order processing by the operator.

Order processing through the Site is carried out within 5 minutes, in case of a heavy load of call center the time of the order processing can be increased.

3.11. When the Order is made through the Site, if the Order is confirmed by the Seller and the Buyer, the time of acceptance of the Order will be the time when the Order is finalized by the Seller by contact number with the Buyer.

3.12. When making an Order through the Site, in the case it is impossible to contact the Buyer by telephone to agree on the Order in accordance with the conditions specified in paragraph 3.8 of this offer, The seller is entitled to cancel the Buyer’s Order in full after 30 minutes from the moment of receipt of the Order from the Buyer.

3.13. If the necessary quantity or assortment of the goods ordered by the Buyer is not available in the Seller’s warehouse, the Seller informs the Buyer by telephone within 30 minutes after the Order is received from the Buyer. The buyer is entitled to agree to accept the Goods in a different quantity or assortment, or to cancel the Order. In case of non-response of the Buyer, the Seller is entitled to cancel the Buyer’s Order in full.

3.14. All informational materials presented on the site and in advertising booklets are of a reference nature and cannot fully convey all information about certain properties and characteristics of the Goods.

3.15. The appearance of the finished product may differ from the images presented on the site and in the advertising booklets.

3.16. Should the Buyer have further questions concerning the properties and characteristics of the Goods, the Buyer must contact the Seller by telephone + 375 (29/44) 5 111 666 before making an Order to obtain the necessary information.

4. Lead times for Order

4.1. When the Buyer orders the goods under conditions of delivery or return at the point of export, the Seller makes every effort to comply with the delivery/return times specified on the Site, without excluding reasons, which may occur and affect delivery/delivery times due to unforeseen events and circumstances not attributable to the Seller.

4.2. The delivery time of the order may be agreed with the Buyer individually depending on the wishes of the Buyer. In this case delivery of the Goods at a specified time

4.3. If the buyer wishes to issue an Order which does not meet the conditions for payment and delivery of the Goods, the methods, time and territory of delivery of the Goods, as well as other conditions specified in this offer and on the Site, then possible terms of performance of the Order are individually agreed with the Seller.

 5. Delivery and the Goods distribution

5.1. Delivery of the Order is carried out by the Courier Service at the actual address specified by the Customer when the Order is made through the Site or by telephone. Courier Service operating time according to the information on the site.

5.2. Delivery of the Order to apartments, office buildings and dormitories, provided that there is no obstacle to direct access to the apartment/office/room, takes place to the apartment/office/room. Otherwise, delivery is made to the front entrance of the building or to the foyer/entrance if available.

5.3. Delivery Order to shops of any type, shopping centres, kindergartens, educational establishments of any type, all entertainment establishments, public services, catering establishments, industrial buildings, all health facilities and the like, except as specified in paragraph 6.2. of this offer is executed up to the central entrance of the establishment or up to the foyer/entrance when available.

5.4. Auto-export Order is carried out at the addresses of trade objects according to their working mode.

5.5. Delivery is subject to the condition that the Buyer makes an Order for the sum of the minimum order. The amount of the minimum order is determined unilaterally by the Seller and is indicated on the Seller’s Site.

5.6. Delivery Order is made within the delivery area (the delivery area is specified on the Site or can be specified by phone).

5.7. The possibility of delivery and conditions of delivery of the Order to addresses not within the delivery zone shall be specified individually with each Customer.

5.8. The time of delivery of the Order to the Buyer is recorded when the courier calls to the buzzer or when the door is opened with the help of the intercom code. For office buildings, dormitories and other administrative buildings, delivery times are recorded when the courier arrives at the front door of the building. If the entrance to the courtyard of the building is blocked by a closed barrier, the delivery time shall be recorded when the courier arrives at the closed barrier.

5.9. The delivery time, after the courier arrives at the delivery address by the agreed deadline, is recorded at the time of the call to the Buyer’s contact number by the Seller’s representatives, in the following cases: - Absence of the Buyer from the place of receipt of the Order Impossibility to contact the Customer on the home phone - the Customer provides incorrect/incomplete information at the delivery address.

5.10. In the absence of the Buyer at a delivery address agreed with the Seller at the time of arrival of the Courier Officer, if the Buyer is unable to reach that address within five minutes of the arrival of the Courier Officer, A Courier Service employee has the right to leave this address and to specify with the Buyer the possible time of re-delivery. At the same time, an additional charge of 5 rubles is collected for repeated delivery.

5.11. If the buyer changes the delivery address of an already issued order, delivery of the order to the changed address is carried out if the address is in the service area of the commercial facility that serves the originally specified address. In other cases, the possibility and conditions of delivery to the changed address are specified individually with the Buyer.

5.12. In case the Order has not been passed to the Buyer due to the fault of the latter, the refusal of the Buyer to accept and/or pay the Goods ordered by him, false call, the Seller is entitled to block the Buyer’s subscriber telephone number and not to accept the Orders from the Buyer.

5.13. The seller is entitled to refuse service to the Buyer without giving reasons.

6. Payment Order.

6.1. Prices for Goods are determined unilaterally by the Seller and are indicated on the Site in Belarusian rubles. The price of the Goods may be altered unilaterally by the Seller. At the same time the price of the goods pre-ordered by the Buyer may be changed in the event of a change in the price list and will correspond to the value of the goods at the date of payment of the order.

6.2. Payment of the completed Order is carried out in Belarusian roubles in one of the following ways: - by cash or with the help of bank cards via a payment terminal located at the place of issue of the Order or from the employee of the Courier Service. Internet acquisitions (bank card payment)

6.3. Payment is made upon receipt of an Order, evidenced by a cashier’s cheque from an employee of a Ronin establishment or a Courier’s employee, or by advance payment via Internet Acquisitions (online payment by bank card) Order on the site which is also confirmed by a cash check provided by the employee of the Ronin establishment or by the employee of the Courier Service upon receipt of the Goods. Visa, Mastercard, Maestro and Belkart cards are accepted for payment.

6.4. In the case of refunds, they may only be returned to the bank card from which payment has been made.

6.5. If, for technical reasons, it is not possible to make payment via a bank card through a payment terminal, the Courier Service official agrees with the Buyer the time of re-delivery and payment of the Goods.

7. Return and exchange of goods

7.1. The seller is obliged to hand over to the Buyer Goods which are in full conformity with its Order, the quality of which corresponds to the information supplied to the Buyer at the conclusion of the Contract.

7.2. Upon receipt of the Goods, the Buyer verifies the conformity of the Goods received with the Order, the completeness and absence of claims to the appearance of the Goods delivered. In case of receipt of substandard, incomplete Goods or of non-conformity of the Goods received to the ordered, the Buyer is entitled at his choice to perform: - replacement of defective Goods with proper quality;
- return of the goods of inadequate quality to the Seller and receipt of the money paid for the Goods.

8. Guarantees and liability of the parties

8.1. Parties are liable under the law of RB for failure or improper performance of the terms of this offer (the Buyer’s acceptance of the Seller’s offer).

8.2. The Parties shall be relieved of their liability for total or partial non-performance of their obligations if such failure was the consequence of the circumstances of force majeure, arising after the entry into force of this treaty and/or as a result of extraordinary events which the parties could not have foreseen and prevented by reasonable measures.

8.3. The seller undertakes to process and store the Buyer’s personal data provided to the Seller, to ensure its confidentiality and not to provide access to this information to third parties, except in the cases provided for by the current RB legislation. By accepting (accepting) this offer, the Buyer confirms its consent and authorizes the Seller to process its personal data, including: name, address of delivery, telephone. The processing of personal data in this offer is understood to mean the collection of the above data, their systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), use, blocking, destruction.

8.4. The seller has the right to transmit the personal data of the Buyer to the Courier Service for delivery to the Buyer of the goods ordered by the latter.

8.5. The buyer undertakes to inspect the contents and conditions set forth in this offer, as well as the other conditions specified on the Site, including the prices of the Goods set in the Internet, until the Order is placed on the Site store, the delivery area of the Goods and the minimum value of the Order that must be made to be delivered to the Buyer.

8.6. If the Buyer provides incorrect information about its contact details, the Seller shall not liable for improper execution of the Order.

8.7. The seller is not liable for the improper use of the Goods by the Buyer, ordered on the Internet site and purchased by the Buyer from the Seller.

8.8. The seller is not liable for damages to the Buyer arising from incorrect filling-in of the Order, including incorrect disclosure of personal data.

8.9. All text information and graphics posted on the Internet shop and on the Site have a legal owner. Illegal use of said information and images is prosecuted in accordance with the current legislation of Belarus. In case of information and/or images taken from the resource, a link to the resource is obligatory.

8.10. A buyer, including if he is not a resident of the Republic of Belarus, purchases the Seller’s Goods for his own consumption, for purposes any other than business (see Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 27.03.2008 178 On the procedure for conducting and monitoring foreign trade operations, para. 1.2.1).

8.11. In case of disputes and the impossibility of settling disputes by negotiation, disputes will be settled by the courts in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus in the place where the Seller is located.

9. Requisites of the Seller

Limited Liability Company «Pinfud Service»

220020, Minsk, Bogdanovich St. 78, 24

UNP (Payer's Account Number) 192677158

acc. BY63TECN3012027070700140000000 000

JSC «Tehnobank», BIC TECNBY22.

Minsk, Kropotkina St. 44



Minsk, Bogdanovicha,78

Delivery from 11:00 till 23:00
Restaurant from 11:00 till 00:00 Friday, Saturday from 11:00 till 01:00
Breakfast Saturday, Sunday from 11.00 till 14.00

Shopping cart
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